Friday 4 February 2011

Here is my double page spread please comment and let me know what you think of my double page spread and your opinion will be heard.


  1. Good Points:
    * Images work really well.
    * I like the idea for the layout, looks professional.

    Things To Improve:
    * Writing needs to be clearer and the titles should be bigger :)
    * Maybe a different image than the front covers picture lol :)

  2. Good points:
    *its good you used the same image for the articel that you used for the cover
    * the images are great they look very professional.

    things you could improve on :
    - you could ad some good quotes made by the artist
    -also we know he does scateboarding by the photos, but does he sing or dj or rap?

    Relly liked it though x
