Saturday 23 October 2010

Britney Spears Annotation:3

This image has been chosen because it wills attract a male audience to the magazine because it is a woman who is virtually naked and this would attract many men because she is seen as a sexual object or icon to men. It also is used to show that Britney is now single and that she is looking for a new man which would make many men think that they could be the next man making them get the magazine to make them think it can be them. The use of black and white is used to focus everything else on her body and to blend in with the background appearing that she is wearing fewer clothes than she actually is.

The image has been cropped to emphasize her body greatly it is all directed towards her upper and lower body to attract men and to see her as a sexual icon. The image is purely designed and cropped to show off her bodily assets to make her seem like she has no flaws and that her body is perfect and makes all men want her and desire to look at it by buying the magazine.

Britney is engaging a sexual relationship with the audience and wants to audience to see her as a sexy young woman who is alone and wants a man. She wants the male to look at her and be attracted to gain attention of a male after being through a break up and wants a new man for a new high and a new relationship almost emplacing false hope into the male thinking that they can be a new boyfriend. The text around the picture makes men know that she wants another relationship and that she is lonely and wants someone to comfort her at night she uses the picture to almost advertise her body to the male audience who by this magazine.

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